"And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh."
It's mistakenly believed that the wise men arrived the night of the Savior's birth. They actually didn't arrive until He was around 2 years old. This is really significant because it shows how long these men had been seeking the Son of God. We don't know exactly when they left "the east", but it must have been a really long journey.
What I love about this story is something we also learn from the shepherds. The visit to see and worship the Savior was brief, they had to quickly leave as Herod was searching for Him as well. But they still left behind what they knew and went to worship and seek out the Christ child.
We too must be like the wise men. We must, at times, travel far to end up where He is. Wherever we start in our life the journey must end with Him. The wise men brought gifts as they fell at His feet and worshiped Him. We too have gifts we can offer. Our time, our agency, our will, our sins, our service. We can submit it all and humbly wait for the direction given.
We too must know the signs to watch for. The wise men knew what the new star they followed meant. It brought them to the Savior, they were prepared and watching. Are we prepared and watching? Yes, there are signs of the times, but there are also signs for our lives. Promptings and direction from the Spirit are constantly available if we have prepared our hearts and minds for those lessons.
May we be like the wise men and seek after the Son of God, and when we find Him, may we offer all we have to Him, our very best gifts. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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