"And it came to pass also that a new star did appear, according to the word."
"And, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was."
The star of Bethlehem was foretold long before Christ was born. The wise men who came seeking the Christ child had studied and learned to watch for the signs of His coming. As they watched steadfastly they were ready to move quickly when the new star appeared.
What I would ask you to reflect on when you think of the star of Bethlehem is this. Certainly our Father in Heaven could cause the star to appear spontaneously in the heavens.. But we know, from studying the scriptures, that our Father's house is a house of order. Knowing this about His character leads me to believe this exact star and it's life and light, were set in the heavens precisely and exactly where it needed to be so the light of the star would reach our atmosphere at the exact moment needed to announce the coming of The Son of God.
The star of Bethlehem led seekers of truth to the Savior of the world. We too have "stars" set in our lives to lead us to that same baby in a manger. We must know what to look for, we must know the signs to follow. As we do, we too will be lead to Him who is the author of our salvation, even Jesus Christ. In His holy name, amen.
Miss a day?
Day 1: The Colors
Day 2: Oh, Christmas Tree
Day 3: Snowflakes
Day 4: Bells
Day 5: Lights
Day 6: Candy Canes
Day 7: Gifts and Bows
Day 8: Angels
Day 9: Shepherds
Day 10: Wise Men
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