Monday, December 25, 2017

Day 12: Santa

I'm actually feeling really sad for this to be the last post in this series. I hope you have all been enjoying this Christmas season. I know it's been one of the most meaningful for me.

More and more as I've written these, I've felt the desire to know what the symbols of Christmas mean to you. I've also discovered how many additional symbols I could have chosen. I hope you don't stop with this series. I hope you continue to learn more about the symbols of Christmas which will ultimately lead you closer to Christ.

With it being Christmas Eve, I thought it fitting to talk about the symbol of Santa. Santa is a loving, kind man, whose only purpose is the happiness of the children of the world. When I think of him, my mind goes to our Father in Heaven. He loved the children of this world so much that He gave His Son. He gave us each a gift we could never obtain for ourselves. He didn't do this for the praise and honor and glory. All of that belongs to Him anyway. He did it because He loves us, and our welfare and happiness is His design and goal.

We write lists to Santa with our wishes, in the same way we pray to our Father in Heaven with the desires of our hearts. Santa grants our wishes if we've been "good". Our Father in Heaven blesses us as we seek after righteousness.

However, unlike Santa Claus, our Father in Heaven is very much a real and tangible part of our lives. The "magic" and "spirit" of Christmas we feel comes from Him and from our Savior. We will one day return home to our Father who created us. We will stand before Him to give an accounting of the use we made of the gift He provided for each of us.

I have so enjoyed being a part of your Christmas in this small way. I hope as you look at the Christmas symbols and decorations, your hearts will turn to our Savior and our Father in Heaven more fully
. The symbols of Christmas are a wonderful way to teach our children more about Christ, in a tangible way they can understand from a very young age. May each of us be full of the spirit of Christmas which comes from the little baby born in Bethlehem. May each of us make room in our hearts and lives for Him. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

All my love and Merry Christmas! Love, Taryn

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